Turkish Football News

TFF looking to replace Lucescu

Tolunay Kafkas to replace Lucescu

Romanian coach Mircea Lucescu is on the verge of being removed from his position as Turkey’s manager.

The Turkish Football Federation are making plans for life without Mircea Lucescu, who is currently in charge of the Turkish national team.

After a disappointing tenure as the coach of the Crescent Stars which ultimately lead to Turkey getting relegated from Group B of the UEFA Nations League earlier this month, the TFF have set their eyes on the next coach they plan to hire.

According to Turkish media reports, Turkish coach Tolunay Kafkas is the man they hope to appoint to the position.

Kafkas is currently Turkey’s Youth Development Director and has over 10 years of coach experience in Turkey.

Lucescu, the 73-year-old Romanian, has been in charge of Turkey since being hired in August 2017.

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