Once you have gotten yourself a Passolig card, you will need to add funds to it, or top up in other words, in order to purchase a ticket.
You can load money onto your card, which is essentially a pre-paid MasterCard, even before you set foot in Turkey. Or, you may of course do so when you arrive. The choice is yours.
To do so, you will have to do it either via the Passolig or the Passo website.
via Passolig website:
1. Go to passolig.com.tr
2. Select EN (for English) at the top right corner.
3. Click on “Top up your card”
4. Click on “Top up” on the page that loads up.
5. Log in using the Passport Number & Mobile Number you used while creating your Passolig account.
6. Follow the onscreen instructions.
via Passo website:
1. Go to passo.com.tr/en (English version)
2. Click “Register” in the top right corner
3. Fill out the details (e-mail, name, gender, DOB, country, password, phone number)
4. Click “Send”
5. Click on the confirmation link sent to your e-mail.
6. Log in to your newly created account and “merge” your Passolig card to your Passo account by typing in your Passport number, Mobile Phone number and Country.
7. Click “Send”
8. Click “Top Up” from the menu on the left side in your account.
9. Follow the on screen instructions.
After completing either of these methods, your Passolig card will have funds in it and you will be able to purchase tickets through the Passo website.
You can add funds/top up not only your own card but your friend’s or a family member’s Passolig card using the same method. All you will need is their Passolig card number.
Passolig card – buys and holds your tickets
Passo – online e-ticket purchasing/assigning system
Screenshot of Passolig page:
Screenshot of Passo page: